Optimize Your Landing Pages hand-in-hand, especially if your goal is to rank higher on the search engines in order to bring more leads and sales to your business. But optimizing your landing pages isn’t an easy task. There are many different factors that need to be considered, such as keyword placement, copy length, and more.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can seem pretty daunting if you’ve never tried it before, but even basic SEO practices can dramatically improve your site’s rankings and lead to more traffic and customers for your business. To make sure you’re doing it right, here are 7 proven tips to optimize your landing pages for SEO.
1). Add your website’s name as part of the page URL

Your landing page is the first impression you have on potential customers, so it’s important to optimize this page with your conversion goals in mind. Here are some tips that will help you create high-converting landing pages:
1). Know your audience
2). Create a clear and concise value proposition
3). Target your ideal customer with personalized messaging
4). Provide compelling content, not just links
5). Include social media sharing buttons
6). Choose a design that appeals to your audience
7). Test, test, and test again!
You may also want to include a call-to-action so that users know exactly what you want them to do. A call-to-action might say something like Order Now or Download eBook or Buy Now! Make sure your CTA aligns with your goals and is placed prominently on your landing page but not so prominent that it detracts from the content. Above all else, remember that landing pages should be targeted. Always put your target customer first.
2). Maintain Keyword Consistency On Each Page

Keep your keywords consistent on each page. Think about the words a potential customer might use when searching for your product or service, and then use those words in the title tag, the first paragraph of text, headings, and throughout the body of your content. Make sure you include both the keyword phrase (such as online shopping) and synonyms (such as e-commerce) that people are likely to type into search engines while looking for what you offer.
Maintain your keyword consistency by making sure that each page includes a heading with your target keyword phrase. You can also use Google Analytics Content Grouping Report, or similar tools such as Raven Tools, to see what terms are being used on each page so you can better optimize them.
If a page isn’t getting traffic after you have optimized it, consider reworking that page based on what information people are looking for. For example, if one of your pages is meant to sell video game consoles but ranks well under searches like buy video game consoles, it’s probably time to rework that page and create separate landing pages for each product category you offer.
3). Keep Meta Tags Accurate And Up-To-Date

Meta tags are the headings and descriptions that are used to tell search engines what your page is about. Meta tags should be accurate and up-to-date so that when a person searches a specific keyword, her site will show up in the top results. If you’re using WordPress, here’s how to edit your meta tags:
1). Click on Settings on the left-hand side of the screen.
2). Scroll down until you see General near the bottom of the page and click on it.
3). Under Title enter a short but descriptive title for your website (e.g., SEO 101).
Enter keywords in the Keywords box (e.g., SEO) as well as any other words or phrases related to your business that would help people find your content if they were searching for it (e.g., digital marketing, lead generation).
In Description, write a brief summary of your blog post including its topic and purpose. Enter a URL in the Homepage URL which points back to this post if you want Google to rank this post above others on your site by default.
4). Have a Clear Purpose For The Content To Be Read

The purpose of a landing page is to encourage a visitor to take the desired action. The content should be clear and concise. The headline, navigation, and main content should all be in view when someone enters the page.
Determine The Best Keywords For Your Landing Page: It is important that you include keywords in your content if you want your website’s search engine rankings to increase.
These words should be used in at least three different places on each page of your landing page. Determine The Best Keywords For Your Landing Page – Second Paragraph: Keyword placement should be strategic when using landing pages.
To start with, make sure that a keyword is visible within a headline, H1, sub-heading, and/or bolded text because it appears as an important piece of information about what a user will find when reading through your page.
5). Use Images That Illustrate What You’re Trying To Say

1). Keep keywords in mind when you’re creating your landing pages’ Images – one of the most important things to remember when creating content is that it should be written with specific keywords in mind. Create an image like tell your audience what the image means This will help search engines (like Google) know what your page is about so that they can better rank it and potentially make it more visible on their SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
2). Use long tail keywords – long tail keywords are phrases that have a number of words, like fitness tips or golden retriever puppies. These are less competitive than short-tail keywords, which include only a few words, like running shoes or dog breeds.
6). Make URLs Meaningful And Descriptive

1). Include keywords in the URL.
2). Ensure the landing page has a clear and specific purpose for your target audience and that it is relevant to their needs.
3). Make sure your landing page includes links to your website, social media accounts, and any other online assets you have that can help increase conversions.
4). Keep a copy on your landing page short, simple, and focused on one main conversion goal (e.g., contact us or download our guide).
5). Avoid technical jargon.
6). Don’t include pop-ups, sound alerts, or other disruptive elements that will make your visitors feel uncomfortable or push them away from converting to your site.
## Write a professional conclusion. This will be a separate post of about 100–150 words. The introduction, main body, and each paragraph should not exceed 400-500 words. Put the Conclusion at top of the page in 20-point font (if you think we need it). Word count shouldn’t exceed 1500 words – or 1000 if with a conclusion.
7). Do Not Bury The Lead
Use Meta Descriptions – If your website has a lot of pages, it can be hard to remember what each page is about. A good way to make sure your pages are easy to find is by including a meta description on every page. The meta description acts as a search engine snippet, so including a keyword or two will help the page show up in Google’s search results.

Avoid duplicate content – Duplicate content can hurt you when it comes to ranking well in search engines because Google doesn’t know which of the duplicates should rank higher. This can also confuse visitors because they may not know which version of the content is the original, and which one might be out of date. Include keywords – Keywords are important for both humans and robots!
Make sure to include keywords in your content, but don’t overdo it. Google’s Penguin update targets sites that use what it calls over-optimization, which means repeating a keyword too often or placing your keyword in an unnatural way that doesn’t seem natural.
If you’re not sure how many times you should use your keyword, research similar pages and see how many times they mention that word. Using a few of those as a baseline is an easy way to avoid going overboard. Use clickable URLs – The URL is one of a visitor’s first interactions with your site and can influence whether they’ll stick around.