HTML Image Tag

When you load a webpage, you expect images to seem quickly. After all, that’s what you see on sites like Facebook and Google. But what you may not know is that there’s a lot that goes into making sure images load quickly on a website and the best way is the use of HTML image tag.

What Are HTML Image Tags?

Firstly, when you load a webpage, your browser has to request the image from a server. This process can take some time, depending on the speed of the server and your connection. Once the browser has the image

It still has to render it before you can see it. This process can also take some time, depending on the size and complexity of the image.

Images are the important part of websites. It can help make your site more visually appealing and can also help convey a message or provide information. You have to need to add code to your site that tells the web browser where to find the images.

This code is called an image tag, and it is added to the HTML code of your site. When a user visits your site, their web browser will read the image tag and then display the image on the page.

If you want to add an image to your website, you will need to first upload the image to your server. Once the image is on your server, you can then add the image tag to your HTML code.

What is an HTML Image Tag?

What Are HTML Image Tags?

The image HTML tag is used to insert images into HTML documents. Images are typically stored on a web server and then displayed on a web page using the image HTML tag.

The image tag is typically used like this:

This example would insert the image.jpg file into the HTML document. The “alt” attribute is used to specify alternative text for the image, in case the image can’t be displayed.

There are a few other attributes that can be used with the image HTML tag, such as “width” and “height” to specify the size of the image.

SRC Attribute

The SRC attribute of the <img> element is used to create a path to the image file that will be displayed on the page. The value of the SRC attribute can be either an absolute path or a relative path.


If an image doesn’t load for some reason – for example, because the network is slow or the user is on a slow connection – then the alt text will be shown in place of the image. The alt text should describe what’s on the image, so the reader knows what they’re missing. It’s also common to use the alt text as a caption for an image.

Width and Height

The width and height attributes are used to set the width and height of an image, in pixels. These attributes are generally used to resize images that are too large for their containing element.

How to add an HTML Image Tag

On website development platforms like WordPress and Wix have inbuilt image tags, but if you want to add it by yourself do it this way. The above code will find and insert an image of the Bizjunket logo, with a width and height of 500 x 500 pixels. If we change the style, style=”float:right”> then the image will align right. And for style=”float:left”> image will be aligned left.

What Are HTML Image Tags?

For Image border

style=”border:10px solid blue”> this code will add an image border of 10 pixel wide solid blue border.

Left and Right Margins

style=”vertical-align:middle;margin:0px 50px”> this code will align the image into the middle and add 50 pixel of width to the left and right sides of the page.

Why it Matters and How to Use Them

Image tags land the image so it appears in a link to other elements on the webpage. This means that if you want to move the image, you need to move the tag as well. Image tags also help search engines understand what the image is about so it can be properly indexed and get crawled by google bots.

Also, It’s important to choose your HTML tags carefully because they can have a significant impact on your website’s performance. Some tags are heavy and can slow down your page load speeds, which can affect your website’s user experience.

What Are HTML Image Tags?

Here are a few tips for choosing HTML tags that will help keep your website running smoothly:

1). You can use lighter tags whenever possible.

2). Avoid using excessive nesting because nesting too many tags can make your code more difficult to read and maintain.

3). Keep your code clean and well-organized so it can be read by search engines easily.

When to use it

The IMG element is used to add images to a web page. They are not part of the page design itself but are part of the content. That’s why you use the IMG element.

What Are HTML Image Tags?

The IMG element has an src attribute that specifies the URL of the image. The alt attribute is used to add alternative text for the image. This is important for accessibility so that the people who can’t see the image can still understand the content of the page.

The image tag is an HTML element that allows you to define how and where an image will be used and presented in your content. With the image tag, you can also control the size, alignment, and other aspects of the image.


Image tags are an essential part of webpage design. They help improve the aesthetics of your site, improve user experience, and optimize your site for search engines. When used correctly, image tags can help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it more visible to potential customers. They can also help improve click-through rates (CTRs), which can lead to more sales and conversions.

What Are HTML Image Tags?

When you’re making changes to your website, always preview your work to check for errors. One element you need to be especially careful with is the images. Whenever you add an image to your website, be sure to check the code to confirm that any attributes you’ve added don’t break the image.

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